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Concert Season Auditions

Auditions for the 2019-2020 China Spring Cougar Concert Bands will take place during the week of November 18th - 22nd after school. Students will sign up for their audition times with the assigned drum majors for each day as has been announced in class.

All students will be required to perform an audition in order to determine ensemble placements for the 2019-2020 school year. Auditions will be based on the ATSSB All-Region Band packet.  These packets are posted outside of the main band office door. Students are encouraged to begin practicing their audition music ASAP to ensure the best possible chances of making their desired ensembles. 

​All brass and woodwind ensemble auditions are performed "blind" for all five band directors.  This means that during the audition the directors cannot see the student, and the student cannot see the directors.

It is also important to note that just because a student made top ensemble the previous year that they are not automatically guaranteed a spot in that same ensemble this year. Ensemble placements will simply be assigned based off of audition merit. â€‹Students who have questions about the ensemble audition process should communicate those questions to their band directors prior to the audition process. Placements are non-negotiable and will not be changed once set. Students will be given a physical copy of the audition music. Should they lose it, another copy of the music may be acquired from the music slots outside of the band office.


Please see the schedule below to determine what day you will be auditioning on. It is crucial that a student does not skip their audition date. All auditions will take place after school in the high school band hall. 

Monday, November 18th - (Flutes/Percussion)
Tuesday, November 19th - (Low Brass/Low Reeds)
Wednesday, November 20th - (Double Reeds/Saxophones/French Horns)
Thursday, November 21st - (Clarinets/Trumpets)


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7301 North River Crossing
China Spring, TX 76633


Tel: (254) 836-1771

Fax: (254) 836-1418




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